I am a lawyer with a passion for technology and design. I collaborate with organizations from various industries (IT, FMCG, pharmaceuticals), participating in projects related to digital transformation, not limited to the legal field. A special focus in my work is on legal design. In every project, I take the perspective of the end user – the recipient of legal content, a process participant, or a user of systems and tools. I have obtained an international certification as a Certified Professional in Legal Design and a certification as a Plain Language Consultant. I am part of the “legalny design” – a team of design enthusiasts in the legal world. Within the team, we work on creating a universal, accessible icon dictionary for use in legal documents. In my daily work, I also put into practice the idea of running a paperless business, implementing tools and providing training on the use of electronic signatures (paperless). I am also closely connected to the LegalTech industry. In addition to my involvement in technology implementation projects for lawyers, I achieved the third place in the Legal Hackathon 2022. I run a blog: www.out-law.pl.